i mean yeah it was just like that
i mean yeah it was just like that
okay now this is just pure coolness how did you do that
feels like an inside joke i'm not in on, but i get it (not as in i understand, more of i *get* it, understand it?)
this is so weird and probably makes sense if you think about it for long enough but this was a really good cartoon
this is so good????? i feel like i am missing something but i can't help but enjoy it for what it is
i wonder if the original monster school creator is still going stuff online, haven't checked them since i was little
neat idea to try and remake it though!!
They have quit youtube, and thanks!
not really a fan of "in 1 minute" animations because they're always too fast to actually have the time to tell jokes or, tell anything
but i can still appreciate the work put in this
Thank you!
the cam goes so fast it's almost impossible to comprehend anything that's going on, but from the very little that is visually readable, it's pretty decent!!
that's a good kick!! got a punch to it
2021 type meme
16 year old with flash cs6 pro and a weird little brain
art & animation
that's private >:(
middle east
Joined on 7/1/23