sega if they knew what they were doing
sega if they knew what they were doing
my day be so fine, then boom
neat idea, an actual ending would be nice though
doesn't even have to be a good one just anything
amazing game!! loading times can be very long, but seeing how much content there is in this it's passable
ok i am editing this commant to say thanks for finally adding ena, hated seeing that locked piece in the character select for so long
this game SUCKS!!!!! 5/5 :)
okay but i wish there was a pause screen and a full screen option, because each time i jump/crouch it moves my newgrounds screen with it
you can hold shift to make the screen not move and you can also do ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom out enough for the screen to not move when jumping
my inner 8 year old undertale AU fan is SCREAMING right now
week 8 must be so close by now, CAN'T WAIT!!!
edit: weekend 1 was so good......
edit 2: the new pico update was amazing!!@!
this game is older then me by 5 days, huh
one of my all time favorite newgrounds games, if i could make a video game i would want it to be something like this probably (maybe less bloody tho lol)
16 year old with flash cs6 pro and a weird little brain
art & animation
that's private >:(
middle east
Joined on 7/1/23