okay maybe only kind of good it really depends how you look at it
the final draft of writing has officially begun! (the opening scene is fully written)
i am really happy with what i am working with right now, usually i don't update blog posts after i post them unless it's to correct some grammer mistake, but i will update this one when the entire thing is written
update: it's done!!!
in other, less exciting news, biggering 72 might need to be completely redone, due to it taking longer then i thought, my artsyle and the way i animate have evolved too much for it to be unnoticable if i were to continue off what i started with, sorry all to all two people who were excited for it :'(
while working on phiftysixty, i actually did something i have never officially done before, i joined a reanimated collab!
have you ever heard of azumanga daioh? really niche anime but still it was very influential, i animated a scene for community collab, with the goal of reanimating each scene of the first episode of the anime, i got scene number 38! because i was the last to get in, which meant i got to do the one scene nobody else wanted to do, i'm not going to show it because i would rather it be a surprise for when the collab comes out, but here's the first frame
back to phiftysixty, i am very sorry for flip flopping between topics here
BREAKING news.. i got a composer!!! for the OST!!! it's my good friend RADMYST, you might remember them from my abonrmal worm animation a while back,
since you're reading this, i just wanted to tell you all that i am very thankful that you keep up with my messy incohernet blog posts about my weird edgy oc animation that is taking forever, i know not a lot of people even read these but i mostly do it for myself and the few people who care, next month will be the 12th blog post, an entire year of these already! i hope i will have exciting news by then, but for now, peace out to all residents of planet shoko29
what? you still want something? okayy
have some crude piece of concept art